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Liposuction Fat Removal Surgery in New Orleans, LA

For many people, a healthy diet and regular exercise are simply not enough to eliminate localized deposits of fat and cellulite.

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Average Cost

$1,500 – $7,000

Recovery Time

1 Weeks

Average Procedure Time

30-60 Minutes per body part

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Pockets of fat around the thighs, buttocks, lower abdomen, upper arms, face, and neck can be especially stubborn, and people may be hard-pressed to find a diet and exercise regimen that targets those specific areas.


However, liposuction can be used to remove excess fat from targeted parts of the body. Dr. Khoobeh uses power-assisted liposuction by using a tube-like device called a cannula to loosen fat cells, and remove them from the body. This procedure is extremely popular among our patients and helps them achieve a slimmer contour. Individuals considering liposuction should be at or near a stabilized weight. Dr. Khoobehi also recommends combining liposuction with Morpheus 8 and/or Bodytite during the surgery. These will help tighten the skin in the areas the fat cells have been removed. The pairing of these procedure will assure the desires look is achieved. Post surgery Dr. Khoobehi suggest 5 Endermologies (post surgery massages) are completed. Dr. Khoobehi recommends Endermologies (post surgery massage) to be completed at least 5 times after surgery which helps reduce swelling and induce circulation.

Surgical Technique

woman's back thigh and buttock

Tumescent “Super-wet”

Tumescent liposuction is a suction-assisted (SAL) technique that uses a solution and power-aided motor to help remove stubborn fat. Dr. Khoobehi injects the solution, made of saline, lidocaine and epinephrine (to control bleeding), into the problem areas. Dr. Khoobehi then inserts the cannula  to remove fat cells from the body at a controlled speed.

Laser-assisted (Lal)

Laser-assisted liposuction uses laser technology on specified areas of fat to burst energy that will loosen and liquefy the fat for removal along with tightening the superficial tissue. LAL liposuction includes brands such as SmartLipo or Bodytite.

During/After Surgery

Liposuction is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia at Outpatient Surgical Center or local anesthesia at Dr. Khoobehi accredited surgical suite. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes for each body part. It can be a stand-alone surgery, or combined with other procedures. However, Dr. Khoobehi may suggest performing the surgery over a period of time for the safety of the patient. After surgery, patients are required to wear a compression garment to help the body adjust to its new shape. Bruising and swelling will subside within 1 week, but patients will not see final results for several months. Liposuction does leave a small scar, but it fades over time. Dr. Khoobehi recommends Endermologies (post surgery massage) to be completed at least 5 times after surgery which helps reduce swelling and induce circulation.

Expected Cost

The average cost for liposuction depends on the technique and scope of the surgery. Most patients in the U.S. can pay anywhere from $1,500 to $7,000 for one procedure. If combined with other procedures, the cost of the surgery can increase significantly. Dr. Khoobehi is known for his expertise and personalized approach in Liposuction. He works closely with each patient to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to their specific needs and goals, ensuring that they achieve the best possible outcome.

Liposuction FAQs

woman abs and legs in oblique view
  • Is It Safe?

    Liposuction when performed properly with limiting the amount of fat removed is a very safe procedure. It is important for patients to do their research, and find an experienced surgeon, like Dr. Khoobehi, that can help them achieve the best, most natural-looking results.

  • Permanent Results?

    The results of liposuction can be seen for many years following surgery if the patient follows a healthy diet and exercise program. Removed fat cells do not come back, but patients can still gain weight if their remaining fat cells grow.

  • Too Much Fat?

    Yes, there can be too much fat. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons does not recommend removing more than 10 pounds of fat for the safety of the patient. Removing more than 10 pounds is considered high-volume liposuction, which increases the chances of complications from the surgery. Patients are advised to be near or at their ideal weight before undergoing liposuction.

  • Skin Tightening?

    While liposuction removes fat and improves contour and shape, it does not address sagging or drooping skin. If skin laxity is a concern, Dr. Khoobehi will go over your concerns during the consultation to discuss options for improving skin texture, such as a tummy tuck, thigh, neck, arm or butt lift. Dr. Khoobehi offers Morpheu 8 and Bodytite which helps improve skin laxity which Dr. Khoobehi will communicate in detail during the consultation appointment as well. Contact Dr. Khoobehi Office to retrieve a customizable quote by scheduling a consultation!

Making Your Dream Plastic Surgery Procedure a Reality.

Dr. Khoobehi offers financing options with top medical financing companies around. We work with you to help ensure you get the treatment you want.

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Cosmetic and Medical Spa Located in the New Orleans Area

You are invited to learn more about the procedures offered and to schedule your personal consultation at our plastic surgery office.

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Dr. Khoobehi Office

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(504) 779-5538


3901 Veterans Blvd
Metairie, LA 70002
