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How a Brow Lift Can Help You Put Your Best Face Forward 

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Brow Lift | 5 minute read

As we age, gravity, sun exposure, and everyday micro-movements can cause drooping and wrinkles in the upper regions of the face, making many of us unintentionally appear tired, angry, or unapproachable. This perception can cause misunderstandings in social interactions, as people may assume that an individual is unhappy or upset when they may simply be lost in thought. Let’s explore what a brow lift is, its benefits, the impact it has on facial expressions, and how it can help people put their best face forward.

First Impressions Matter

At its core, wrinkles and drooping brows can affect facial positioning, first impressions, and how others perceive us. Oftentimes, aging in this region of the face can make people appear upset or angry when they want to convey the exact opposite demeanor. Specific facial features contribute to this look: slightly downturned lips, furrowed brows, deepening frown lines, heavy eyelids, and loss of facial volume can all lead to an uninviting facial appearance. Some people are naturally predisposed to these features due to genetics, but aging can make them more noticable.

What Is a Brow Lift?

Also known as a forehead lift, brow lift surgery is designed to rejuvenate the upper face by lifting the brows, smoothing forehead wrinkles, and reducing frown lines or “11s”  between the eyebrows. The following are different approaches to brow lift surgery: 

  • Traditional Brow Lift: A traditional brow lift involves an incision across the scalp, usually along the hairline, to allow for maximum repositioning of the brows and removal of excess skin.
  • Endoscopic Brow Lift: The endoscopic brow lift is a minimally invasive technique that uses tiny incisions and a camera to reposition the muscles and tissues of the forehead.
  • Temporal Brow Lift: Also known as a lateral brow lift, the temporal brow lift is a method that lifts the outer part of the eyebrows to give a subtle, refreshed look. It is often combined with other facial procedures.

How a Brow Lift Can Improve First Impressions

By repositioning droopy brows and smoothing forehead wrinkles, a brow lift can address upper facial features, offering a more open and inviting expression. For many patients, a lateral brow and forehead lift helps them put their best face forward and convey the first impression they want to communicate to the world. 

Lifting Droopy Brows

Sagging eyebrows can create an angry or unhappy appearance. A brow lift raises the brows to a more youthful position, opens up the eye area, and reduces the shadowing that can make you look upset or tired.

Softening Frown Lines

Deep frown lines between the eyebrows can make you look frustrated or angry. A brow lift reduces these lines by adjusting the responsible muscles for a smoother, more approachable look.

Improving Facial Symmetry and Balance

Some people have asymmetrical brows, where one side is droopier than the other, which adds to a displeased look. A brow lift can create better symmetry and balance and reduce unintended negative expressions.

Is a Brow Lift the Best Way to Rejuvenate My Face?

A brow lift can certainly improve the appearance of the upper face by lifting the brows, smoothing wrinkles, and giving a more relaxed look. However, other features or habits unrelated to the brows or forehead might also be contributing to your overall concerns. 

Sagging eyelids can cause men and women to look tired, angry, or uninterested. A brow lift can improve mild to moderate eyelid drooping, but blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) is typically needed for more severe cases. 

Pursed lips can cause deep wrinkles around the mouth, while loose skin and jowling can interfere with positive facial expressions.

Combining Cosmetic Facial Procedures for the Best Results

A brow lift may be all you need to address your concerns, but you may find that combining a brow lift with blepharoplasty or facelift surgery may be the best solution.

Non-surgical treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic or dermal fillers may also be combined with cosmetic facial surgery for more comprehensive results.

The best way to learn if a brow lift or a combination of treatments is right for you is a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. 

Can a Brow Lift Make You More Approachable?

A brow lift can enhance facial aesthetics by lifting droopy brows, smoothing wrinkles, and providing a more balanced and youthful appearance, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. The truth is that first impressions are always based on the subjective interpretation of neutral expressions. Other factors, like friendliness and tone of voice, also contribute to crafting a great first impression. 

However, if you feel self-conscious about your natural resting facial expressions or signs of aging that may cause you to seem unapproachable, a brow lift is often the best way to combat these concerns.

Want to Learn More About Brow Lift Surgery in Metairie, LA? Dr. Khoobehi is a respected, board-certified plastic surgeon who provides endoscopic, lateral brow lifts in Metairie, Louisiana. Call our office at (504) 779-5538 and let our helpful staff answer your questions or schedule your brow lift consultation.

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Metairie, LA 70002
